Lavanya R
3 min readNov 22, 2021


SNS is a center backend administration used to help nonconcurrent occasion warnings. It is regularly the ‘Bar’ in PubSub — utilizing it, distributers can communicate messages to a wide range of endpoints (SQS lines, Email, Lambda Capacities, and the sky is the limit from there). This innovation has expansive arriving at applications that help point proprietors decouple themselves from shopper customers.

What is SNS?

SNS represents Straightforward Warning Assistance, a cloud administration presented by AWS. It is a completely overseen circulated distribute buy-in framework that works on a Fan-out model. It offers a message pop-up usefulness that allows us to send individual messages or mass messages to an enormous arrangement of buying in customers or applications.

The information misfortune is forestalled by putting away the information across various accessibility zones. It is cost-effective and offers a serverless foundation. With this, you can send notices through SMS or email or to an Amazon Basic Line Administration (SQS) or an HTTP endpoint. Fundamentally it goes about as a legitimate stream passageway and as a correspondence channel among distributors and supporters.


To get everything rolling with Amazon SNS, engineers should make a subject that goes about as a passageway for supporters keen on getting warnings about a particular topic. At whatever point there is an update for endorsers, engineers distribute a message to the subject through their application, and this move prompts Amazon SNS to circulate the message to every one of its supporters at the same time. The essential need of a SNS is to push a message to different endorsers when it gets it from a distributing application.

Amazon SNS permits its clients to push messages to different gadgets dependent on Windows, Google, Apple, and IoT-based savvy gadgets by utilizing a Programming interface or through the AWS console. It is a one-to-numerous relationship model where we do have a distributor, a point, and various supporters dependent on business use cases.

When the distributor is prepared to distribute on the theme, it goes about as a coherent unit. We say AWS SNS here will focus on and push from theme to different accessible endorsers going from one to many. For each message that gets handled to this theme, an indistinguishable clone of that message will be conveyed to these various purchasers. These endorsers can be of different structures like an email, HTTP endpoint, SQS, SMS. In view of the deliverability of SNS, it very well may be additionally grouped into two sorts; one is an application to the singular model where any update of the occasion is expected to tell an individual might be a client, representative, partner. This would regularly happen through the email conveyance technique.

The other is an application to application model where one application needs to tell the other at whatever point there is another occasion. In this model, applications speak with one another to inform each other of changes in their state. We will discuss these two additional top to bottom in almost no time.

Features of AWS SNS

  • Message Publishing and processing service in simple terms Pub-Sub.
  • Allows Fanout to millions of consumers
  • Fully managed and durable with autoscaling
  • Serverless
  • Standard and FIFO topics
  • Enables message filtering policy to the topic subscription.
  • Works flexibly with both application to person and application to application subscriptions.

